" I knew tuberculosis was contagious. But I needed the money and to work." Marjorie Tucker Reed
In the 1940's Tuberculosis was rampant. When white nurses refused to work at Seaview Hospital located in Staten, Island N ew York, 300 African American nurses known as THE BLACK ANGELS answered the call. Our documentary broke the silence on their story.

Built around 1913,Seaview Hospital was the largest sanitorium in the United States and was erected for the treatment of those with tuberculosis. The state of New York was hit the hardest of any state in the nation. Unfortunately, there was no cure at the time, and white nurses walked away from their posts at Seaview. During a time of segregation, African American nurses were not allowed to work with white nurses, but this soon changed and the state issued a call for nurses around the nation. Black nurses came from far and near. Coined THE BLACK ANGELS by the patients they cared for, they became instrumental in the cure for tuberculosis, as it was founded at Seaview Hospital in 1951 by Dr. Edward Robitzek.
Our documentary, The Black Angels: A Nurse's Story shares the story of these nurses and gives homage to the journey of Black Angel, Marjorie Tucker Reed. We interviewed Black Angel, Marjorie Tucker Reed before her death in 2018.