“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Meade

Margaret Meade, anthropologist, was born December 16, 1901 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When Margaret Mead died in 1978, she was the most famous anthropologist in the world. Through her work many people learned about anthropology, including me.
She authored 44 books and over 1000 articles. Most notably her work in Coming of Age in Samoa, (1928), a profound work with the Samoan people was a best seller and translated in many languages. The book that gave homage to her belief in cultural determinism, and was her stairway to intercultural fame. I particularly like to share her work, A Rap on Race (1971), with James Baldwin. A rap, or conversation between the two that consisted of such topics as women's lib, the south, slavery, christianity, and their early childhood upbringings.
Margaret served in such organizations as the American Anthropological Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom following her death in 1978. Her volumnious archive can be viewed at the Library of Congress.
As a part of my Women's History Series, I am honored to include her work and her contributions to the movement, as well as the culture.
Stay connected as I share my selection the remainder of the month.

Following her death on Nov. 15, 1978, her obituary appeared in The Times.